Welcome to the Being Magic website!
"...and above all, watch with glittering eyes, the whole world around you
because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places.
Those who don't believe in magic, will never find it."
Roald Dahl
Alternative healing modalities and natural products - with a little bit of magic ...
...A bit about me..

From a very young age, I always wanted to be a healer. Since I have always had a great love for animals, I thought that I would surely become a veterinarian, but this never really resonated. I always imagined myself doing something more "out of the ordinary".
I have felt very connected to the dragons since I can remember - I guess this was another sign that I was anything but ordinary!! 🐉
I never felt like I belonged anywhere, but I always had this feeling deep down inside me, that magic was in fact, real!
I never let go of this belief, & it carried me through some very dark times in my life 🦄🥰. My connection to animals has always been stronger than anything else ... animals have always understood me, & have always "held" space for me 😍
In 2000, after a serious car accident, my spiritual path really began to unfold, & in the years that followed, I completed my
first reiki course, & began to immerse myself in all things esoteric... & I finally found a "space" that really spoke to me. 🌟
Although I ended up spending most of my life in the administrative & graphic design sector, the "calling" to heal has never left
me.... & it has always been my dream to become a full time healer, particularly for animals.
During 2020, this "calling" became more & more difficult to ignore, so I got my next level in reiki, but that was just the
beginning!! I could not have known that I would find myself completing many, many more courses on topics that I had always
been fascinated with, & that everything would end up all converging at a point - to overlap & compliment my reiki -
into what became "Being Magic".
Qualifying in SCHH hypnotherapy gave me the boost in confidence as I had to get "out" into the world in order to complete my practical sessions. This was the catalyst to move me into a different space, & I started changing my energetic healing sessions to be more effective via distance (using colleagues & friends as test subjects - thanks guys!!) Since then, it continues to shift & change ... as I am finding myself expanding more into supporting animals!! I have always known this is what I was meant to be doing,
so it's an honour to keep adapting as I follow the call of my soul. 🥰
So that's me ... I now get to work with the dragons & animals on a daily basis!!! 😍 How lucky can a girl get???
Be yourself! Let others see the real, imperfect, flawed, quirky, weird, beautiful & magical being that you are!!
Focus on the powerful, euphoric, magical, synchronistic, beautiful parts of life, & the universe will keep giving them to you!

...and how the magic came into being ...

Being Magic was borne out of a need to help us all to heal holistically. We are not just physical bodies; we are mind, heart & soul too. It has been known throughout all time, that we are part of nature, as nature is part of us, as we all form part of the same universe. All illness & disease (dis-ease) is caused in the body when our energetic bodies become blocked. Each body has the ability to heal itself of all ailments, but it cannot do so if it is energetically blocked or out of balance.
When getting down to absolute basics, everything on this planet & in the universe, is energy; we are all the same at the most basic level. Also, at this present time in human evolution, we are remembering who & what we are; that is, beings of light having a human experience.
I offer healing sessions using various modalities, suitable to both the client & the issues, that offer deeper healing, balancing &
restoration of all the bodies of your being (physical & energetic).
Reiki is the ancient art of energetic healing. By tapping into the life force energy of our universe, this energy is channelled to heal the
body in a non-invasive way. This energy can also be infused into potions. 💫
Crystals are physical manifestations of certain frequencies, & thus they each hold powerful properties that heal on an energetic/
vibratory level. Crystals are also used to infuse potions with additional healing vibrations. 💎
Essential oils & flower essences are physical extracts or energetic essences from plants that all have different healing properties - gifts
from nature / Mother Earth - that we can also use to promote our own healing. 🌿
So... it is by combining all these physical, energetic & vibrational elements, along with a dash of love & magic, that Being Magic came to life! ... & if you have found this site, It is time to awaken your own inner magical being! 🦄🐉🌟💜
The elixirs come in various forms, with ingredients ranging from pure distilled water, various flower essences, essential oils or a combination of these. There are 2 types: pre-made which cover a wide range of conditions, & those where the brew is specifically & individually made up for YOUR body - no two will be alike. Whether needed for physical, emotional, spiritual or mental support, there is an elixir for every being.
By becoming consciously aware of all parts of your being, you can shift & clear your energy, thereby creating new thought patterns & habits, & ultimately a different "vibe" for your being to exist in. This is a journey that is different for every soul, & it is my hope & intention that these healing modalities & liquid enchantments can help. You can simply relax & cocoon your being in the beautiful energetic frequency of a "Being Magic" vibrational essence and/or a session of your choice whilst the healing process happens.
Thank you for supporting my business! 😍
May the magic of the universe be with you always!! Namaste!