Animal guides. Totem animals. Spirit animals. Power animals. You may have heard these terms before and wondered what they mean, or you may have noticed that you have a particular animal that interests, fascinates or even scares you. Perhaps an animal has crossed your path in an unusual way or at a significant time that you’ve always remembered, or you dream of a particular animal. These are just some examples but whichever one applies to you, know that these are not random experiences - there is a deeper meaning. In shamanic traditions, animal guides are believed to be spiritual allies that offer wisdom, guidance, and healing energy. Additionally, animals are spiritually significant in many if not all indigenous cultures.

Is there a difference between totem, spirit and power animals?
For me personally, there are only very subtle differences which is why I refer to all the above mentioned under one blanket term of “spirit animals”. Spirit animals are spiritual guides in animal form, forming part of one's spiritual team, and are with a person for most, if not all of their life. Power animals are also part of this spiritual team, but these guides change as and when one needs to draw on certain animal qualities or archetypes to help them through periods of change or challenges in their life. These two I mostly make contact with during dreams, meditations and shamanic journeying.
Totem animals are also part of one’s spiritual team, but they “manifest” as physical representations (totems) such as toys, ornaments, paintings, clothing (ranging from traditional headdresses to modern t-shirts), totem poles, etc. One could say that totem animals are just physical representations of spirit or power animals in a sense.
However, it’ worth mentioning that to some, there are very distinct differences between power, spirit and totem animals, and some native American tribes even believe that each person has a set number of animals that support them through life, acting as guides. As you can see, there are many viewpoints on this subject and I believe that all of these hold truth for the individual concerned because each one of us experiences these connections with our spirit animals differently.
How can animal guides assist you?
Working with animal guides can be a transformative and deeply healing practice. These guides offer a unique form of support, grounded in ancient wisdom and the natural world. Whether you seek emotional healing, guidance, or a deeper sense of purpose, animal guides can assist in your journey toward personal growth and wellbeing. Through regular practice and connection, you can come to understand the messages they offer, bringing greater clarity, peace, and balance into your life.
What exactly are animal guides?
Animal guides are essentially spirit guides in animal form, forming part of one's spiritual team, that are with a person for most, if not all of their life. Some of these guides change as and when one needs to draw on certain animal qualities or archetypes to help them through periods of change or challenges in their life.
At times they can “manifest” as physical representations (totems) such as toys, ornaments, paintings, clothing (ranging from traditional headdresses to modern t-shirts), totem poles, etc.
They can appear in dreams, meditations and visions, or shamanic and plant medicine journeys. In addition to taking the form of a totem, they can also appear in the form of an actual animal (e.g. a bat flies into your house). It’s important to remember that the universe speaks in symbols, signs and metaphors; not in our human language, and these encounters with living animals are also how the unseen world communicates with each one of us.
Animal guides are mostly, but not limited to, wild animals (e.g. a wolf rather than a dog), and it’s this “wildness” that can bring in a different energy than what we’re used to. The source of power for these animals is drawn from their entire animal family or species not just one animal, for example, you’d get the traits of all wolves, not just one particular wolf. However, all this being said, doesn’t mean that a certain breed of dog can’t have a message for you. Additionally, spirit animals can also be “mythical” (e.g dragons).
Some believe that insects cannot be guides but many people talk about butterflies, dragonflies, ladybirds and even bees and grasshoppers as holding special significance for them. It really boils down to what the animal (or insect) means for you; if you believe it, then it is true for you and that’s what matters. This relationship is very unique to each individual, and is more of a soul to soul connection that cannot really be understood by the human mind.
Why do we have guides in animal form?
Animals have different characteristics or archetypes to humans. They are often more powerful, stronger, or have a characteristic unique to their species. In this way, your spirit animal often represents or is reflective of traits or characteristics that you have within yourself (of which you may or may not be conscious of), as well as your outward personality. The meaning you can ascribe to these animals is often symbolic, but this symbolism can lead to profound insights about yourself, help you with your life lessons, and even provide support when you need it.
We can learn a lot from our spirit animals in much the same way as we can learn from our companion animals. It’s not by chance that we inhabit the same planet together, and animals can be our greatest teachers and guides. They are able to help us from a place of unconditional love, which is what enables us to open our hearts and receive their teachings at a very deep level. There is something very sacred about interacting with your spirit animal.
Witches and their familiars
One of the most well knows “forms” of animal guides is that of a witch’s familiar. These could be both spirit animals as well as animals in physical form. These familiars forge a deep personal bond with the witch, they guide and are specialised allies. The things about these familiars is that they are thought to be part of the witch’s essence, which is why the bond is so strong and personal. They bridge the physical world with the spiritual world, thereby operating on a supernatural level.
There is thought to be a soul contract between a witch and her familiars, so both parties commit to each other, to learn and grow, and both benefit and hold mutual respect for each other; as in the familiar can offer guidance or actual power to the witch, and the witch then offers physical care or even provides spiritual energy to the familiar. The familiar is a companion, and plays a significant part in the witch’s life and spiritual practice. These familiars offer support, guidance and even protection, and the bond between them runs very deep.
Although the cat is the most well known form of familiar, they can be birds (crows and ravens), pixies, fairies, horses, and even spiritual entities. They can really be anything! It is thought that the familiar chooses their witch to work with, not the other way around, which can make their familiars a little unpredictable at times!! However, the familiar serves a unique purpose in the witch’s life, as is the case with all soul contracts.

Odin and the ravens
Another example of animal guides is that of the Norse god, Odin. Odin had two ravens called Huginn and Muninn (whose names mean “thought” and “memory”). These two ravens were his winged messengers and it was believed that they brought him information daily.
It was thought that Odin could use the ravens as spirit animals, entering into their minds and bodies to see through the birds eyes as they flew across the realms. Odin was deeply connected to these birds in the stories and often feared that they would get injured or worse and not be able to return to him.
Ravens played a key role in norse mythology, as they were seen to be highly intelligent. To this day, they are known as being the most intelligent birds on earth! They also hold spiritual meaning in our modern ear as they are believed to bridge our human realm with other realms, being able to traverse between this world and the spiritual world.

Ways to connect with your animal guides
One of the most common ways to connect with animal guides is through shamanic journeying (a form of meditation). Many people receive messages from their animal guides in their dreams. Keeping a dream journal and paying attention to recurring animal symbols can be a good start.
In some shamanic practices, you make offerings to honour your animal guides. This could be as simple as offering incense, light, or food, or it could involve creating a sacred space (altar) where you communicate with the spirits of animals. You may also wear symbols (totems) of the animals (feathers, jewellery, etc.), or have representations (artwork, tattoos, ornaments, etc) of the animals surrounding you to deepen the connection to their energy and teachings.
How can your animal guides help you?
Personal Power and Strength
Animal guides often embody qualities that reflect personal strengths. For example, the bear might symbolise courage and strength, while the owl represents wisdom and intuition. By invoking the energy of these animals, a person can reconnect with their innate abilities. This can be especially useful when facing difficult life situations or self-doubt. By working with an animal guide, individuals can tap into their own personal power and feel more empowered in their daily lives.
2. Healing Emotional Wounds
Many animal guides are associated with specific healing qualities. For instance, the dolphin is often seen as a symbol of emotional healing and playfulness, while the wolf can help heal feelings of isolation or abandonment. When you connect with an animal guide, it’s thought that they can help release old traumas and emotional blockages, especially those that are buried deep in the subconscious.
3. Guidance and Insight
Animal guides are believed to offer intuitive insights that can help with decision-making and life direction. They act as messengers, providing guidance that transcends logical reasoning and connects you to deeper levels of wisdom. For instance, if you're in a period of transition or uncertainty, calling on the eagle for vision and perspective can bring clarity about your next steps.
4. Promoting Balance and Harmony
Shamanic traditions emphasise the interconnectedness of all life. Animal guides serve as reminders of this interconnectedness, helping to restore balance and harmony in your life. If you’re feeling off-centre—whether due to stress, health issues, or spiritual disconnection—animal guides can help realign you with the rhythms of nature, promoting peace and harmony within yourself.
5. Helping with Transformation
Many animals are symbolic of transformation and renewal. The butterfly, for example, represents metamorphosis, while the snake is often associated with shedding old skin and personal transformation. Working with such guides can help facilitate a deep process of inner change, assisting in letting go of old patterns or beliefs and embracing new ways of being.
6. Healing the Body
Certain animal guides are linked to healing physical ailments. For example, the elk is often associated with stamina and vitality, and the deer is a symbol of gentleness and compassion towards the body. In shamanic practices, one might work with an animal guide to assist in physical healing, either through guided visualisation or meditative practices that invite the spirit of the animal to offer healing energy.
7. Enhancing Spiritual Connection
Animal guides can deepen one’s spiritual practices by fostering a closer connection to the natural world. This connection promotes a sense of belonging and unity with all life. Many shamanic traditions emphasise that animals are not separate from humans but are integral parts of a greater spiritual ecosystem. Working with animal guides can foster a profound sense of interdependence with nature and spirit, often leading to greater peace and fulfilment.
8. Intuition and Psychic Development
Animal guides are often seen as masters of the unseen world, skilled in navigating different realms of consciousness. By working with these guides, individuals may enhance their own intuitive abilities, as animals are believed to possess a deep connection to the unseen energies and forces around us. This can help you tap into your own psychic senses or inner knowing.
Your spirit animal can provide healing, learning, and understanding of yourself. They can even teach you to use their power to help others once you have worked on yourself. Naturally compassion for all beings increases as you gain this deeper understanding of all beings that make up our world. They can even come into your life temporarily when you need extra strength, or are pushed into something new which requires you to perhaps learn a different skill.
Spirit animals can also bring parts of your hidden self into your awareness, this hidden self is often referred to as your “shadow”. With these animals as your guides, you can begin to love, understand and integrate the shadow parts of yourself, and this is where the healing occurs because when we heal the shadow parts of ourselves, we become truly whole. They have a very gentle way of revealing things that need to be healed, because they come from a place of pure unconditional love.
Additionally, if you begin to study or look into your spirit animal, you may find you gain an appreciation for the species as a whole, and that in turn, leads to a greater love and kinship that extends even further into the animal kingdom and nature itself. This is an important aspect as it will lead us into a much more connected and kinder world where we once more, start to respect and appreciate animals for the unique beings that they are, and that they have as much right to be here as we do, and are our equals.
