On the 17th of July 2024, an event was broadcast live in collaboration with Sarah A'ryana and Ananda Rose. The three of us were called to create a transmission to bring the dragon energy and consciousness further into our reality 🐲💚
It also served to connect many to their personal dragons - and at first, we were not going to offer the recording unless you had booked for the event. However, these recordings are TIMELESS, and due to the demand AFTER the event, it became clear that we did, in fact, need to make it accessible to those who missed it!! 🥰
The recording is available as a DIGITAL product on my website now, on the product page. I do hope that anyone that feels called to engage with their dragon, or just bring in the dragon energy, finds this event as moving and powerful as everyone on the day did!! Most of us were moved to tears by the love that we could feel from the dragons who were present 🐲💚
I also posted a message from the dragons the day after this event, so please do check that out on my YT channel. It was such a powerful, moving message that I received as I was coming out of sleep, and it was also to help us integrate what we had received during the transmission! 🥰